He Restores My Soul.

I like to watch the DIY Network or HGTV Network. It is amazing how these builders can take a house or room, that has been neglected and restore it to usefulness. We get to see the finished product, but do not see the work and efforts that went into restoring the project, since most of the work is completed behind the scenes.

Isn’t that how life is? We as humans undergo many transformations. Many times, we neglect our physical and spiritual life until the day comes that we realize we cannot do this life thing on our own. We realize that we need someone bigger than we are, to lead and guild us through life, we need a savior.

On that day, we called on the name of the Lord, and the word of the Psalmist comes to mind, “He restores my soul” (Psl. 23:3). What I like about “He restores my soul” is that when we call of His name, Christ does not try to take us back to the beginning, but he meets us were we are, and the restorations beings there.

Just like the house or room that is being restored, most of the work is done behind the scenes, our souls, our inner beings are being restored, to bring us back to God, through the blood of Jesus. No one knows what we have to go through to be restored, but they can see the finished product.

Maybe, “finished product” is the wrong terms to use.  Our soul is eternal. Maybe, “restoring being” is a better term.  As our faith increases, we are being restored daily, Hebrews 3: 12-14 remines us that we should not allow an evil heart of unbelief to cause us to depart from God, but that we exhort one another daily, while it is called “today”, least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.

That day when we called on the name of the Lord, we had confidence that He heard our plea, and answered our prayer.  In that same confidence we are to continue to worship the Lord remembering that he is the restorer of our souls.


At The Cross